What We Believe


  • The BIBLE is the Word of God --- absolute truth. It shows God in action.
  • GOD is one God in three persons --- Father, Son, & Holy Spirit; Creator, Redeemer, & Sanctifier.
  • MAN & WOMAN were created by God in holiness, but sinned (rebelled.) We cannot by our own powers come back to God.
  • The SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST died to save the world from sin and rose victoriously from the empty tomb on Easter.
  • A person is JUSTIFIED (saved), not through good works, but only by God's grace, through faith.
  • REPENTING means sincerely regretting one's sins and asking for Christ's forgiveness and guidance.
  • The CHURCH is all those people who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior.
  • BAPTISM, is a sacrament, which establishes new life in a person.
  • THE LORD'S SUPPER, is a sacrament, which is the Body & Blood of Christ "in,with, & under" the elements of bread & wine.
  • LUTHERANS believe that a person is saved only by the grace of God through faith in Christ Jesus.